Thursday, February 25, 2016

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Meditation With A Potter
Don’t Forget to Bring Along a Friend or Two and Join Us …
Sunday Evening, February 28 at 6:00 pm
Tranquility With Tea
a service devoted to quieting minds, opening hearts, soothing souls

As part of the service, our senses will share the excitement of an age old creative process with the earth … as we meditate with clay.   We will have an opportunity to touch ancient 1500 CE Galilean potsherds from an archaeological dig at Huqoq – 5 miles from Magdala, home of Mary Magdalene, on the Sea of Galilee.  And, put our fingers in the ridges made by human hands in that day, visualizing that scene and the pot that was made.   

Our reflection has been created and will be offered by 
Patsy Simmons and Nancy Williamson.
Patsy has been a potter for 13 years and is addicted to the meditation of centering and creating from clay.  Nancy has a degree in ceramics from the University of Georgia. She has been teaching pottery classes for 20 years and is the Immediate Past Chair for the Hub City Empty Bowls Soup Event. 

A portion of the offering collection is designated for the Hub City Empty Bowls in Spartanburg
honoring Patsy and Nancy for sharing their creative energy with us.

Don’t Miss This Wonderful Experience and We Look Forward to Seeing You …

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Valentine’s Day Evening Service
Where There Is Love There Is Life
 a service devoted to heart-fullness
February 14th
6 o’clock in the Evening 
An evening filled with surprises that will leave
hearts filled with love and life and joy! 
In the spirit of the day, we will
hear about love through poetry,
see love through dance,
touch love through the beauty of flowers,
listen to love through special music and
taste love through chocolate delights. 
In celebration of this red letter day, you might 
choose to wear something red or festive or sparkly – 
as this will a special evening for all of us!
Central United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
233 North Church Street
Spartanburg, South Carolina 29306

Stand-Up Sunday

Sacred Traditions And Rituals
will join the CHRISTIAN ACTION COUNCIL and other Faith Communities
throughout South Carolina for
STAND-UP SUNDAY – Rise for the Nine
Sunday, January 24th at 6:00 p.m. 
Our Reflection on saying “YES” has been created and will be offered by David and Rita Heatherly.  As part of our service we will reach toward our own “YES” and through prayerful meditation and movement, be invited to connect to saying “YES” … to the process of becoming a co-creator with this Sacred Universe in which we live.  
As well, we will Stand-Up for the nine killed at Emmanuel AME in Charleston … what a better place to stand first for the nine than in our own beloved Sacred Spaces?
A portion of the offering collected Sunday evening has been designated for the Children’s Advocacy Center in Spartanburg – honoring Rita and David Heatherly for sharing their creative energy with us.
David and Rita are both long time members of our Sacred Traditions And Rituals Community.  David currently serves as Chair of the S.T.A.R. Board and Rita was the creator of the name Sacred Traditions And Rituals – S.T.A.R.   
In the Fellowship Hall
At Central United Methodist Church
233 North Church Street

Spartanburg, South Carolina