You Are Invited to Join Us in Celebration of
EARTH DAY - 2016
April 24th
at Six o’clock in the Evening
Tranquility With Tea
a service devoted to quieting minds, opening hearts, soothing souls
Reflection on The Creation: Awe and Gratitude
Our Meditation and Prayerful Contemplation has been created and will be offered by
Gardener Extraordinaire Steve Willis
We will mark the occasion of Earth Day with a celebration of God’s wondrous creation.
As Matthew Fox has often mentioned in his writing and lectures on Creation Spirituality – “Awe, wonder, mystery and gratitude are at the root of religious experience.”
This experience will explore how a sense of spiritual gratitude stems from a sense of spiritual awe and how the very first prayer was likely not “Gimme” but “WOW!”
Steve is a member of the S.T.A.R. Board and has delighted us with several reflections on Creation. He is retired from teaching horticulture to special education students and now spends much of his time tending his large ornamental garden – which he has graciously shared with us … except in the winter, when he frequently chases snow to the mountains of North Carolina!
A portion of the offering collected is designated for S.P.A.C.E. – honoring Steve for sharing his creative energy with us.
In the Fellowship Hall – 6:00 pm
At Central United Methodist Church
233 North Church Street
Spartanburg, South Carolina