Please Don’t Forget To
Join Us …
Sunday Evening August
14th at 6:00 pm
The Kingdom of God Is
Who WE Are!
a service devoted to dancing our prayers
(Cross-stitch art by Jim Bowlin)
For the last service of 2015-16 year, we welcome back our
friend, Theresa Horton,
who will
guide us in offering our prayers through both voice and movement.
As part of the evening, we will celebrate the
Life and Gifts of Our Very Special Friend,
Jim Bowlin.
Jim was a dedicated and faithful member of our
S.T.A.R. community for many years
and his presence in our sacred circle will be
greatly missed.
After the service, please stay awhile and share Refreshments and Fellowship …
meeting Theresa, sharing memories about Jim and together blessing what was in this past year – and what will be for the coming year!
We Look Forward To Seeing You Sunday Evening!
Central United Methodist Church
North Church Street
Spartanburg, South Carolina