Sacred Traditions And Rituals
a call to connection
Reminds You to bring a Friend or two to join us …
Honoring the Prophets And Mystics
a service devoted to celebrating the lives of all saints
Prophets and Mystics: Those who experience an excess of life, a surplus of energy – with plenty left over for others.
Living in the past, present and future – all at once, in what many call deep time – they are concerned about the next generation and not just themselves.
Sunday evening, we will meet several of these folks, as Andy Crosland, David and Rita Heatherly,
share reflections on how each of the prophets and mystics has gone the distance for the common-good of many others.
Sunday Evening, November 9th at 6:00 pm
in the Fellowship Hall
Central United Methodist Church
233 North Church Street
Spartanburg, South Carolina