Tranquility with Tea Service
Please join us
Sunday Evening,
November 27th
at 6:00 pm
With Tea
a service
devoted to quieting minds, opening hearts, soothing souls
*First Sunday
in Advent*
Advent Adventure – When Mary Becomes Cosmic
At this time
each year, like Mary, we begin our journey
of grace by saying “yes” to a
divine calling – inviting us to take that first step, again.
We might be
surprised to realize that this Advent journey
of grace is actually the journey of
our lifetimes! As part of the
service, everyone will receive the symbol of pilgrimage to carry during the journey
this year.
The color
associated with Advent and with Mary is Blue
… won’t you wear something Blue,
bring along a Friend and join us?
portion of the offering collected that evening has been designated for Safe
Homes-Rape Crisis – in Spartanburg.
the Fellowship Hall
Central United Methodist Church
North Church Street
South Carolina