Sacred Traditions And Rituals
a call to connection
Honoring Truth Tellers
a service and candlelight vigil devoted to reflecting the truth
Sunday Evening, November 13th
6:00 pm
Join us for the third of our three-year rotating tradition of ‘Honoring’ services.
As our services on the second Sunday each November, Honor Mystics & Prophets and Honor Heretics, this is the year we Honor Truth Tellers.
What is truth? How do we define it?
Where do we find it?
What is our responsibility?
How do we get into the habit of truth-telling?
Who are those who reflect the Truth?
We welcome Fayssoux Mclean & Randy Foster who will highlight our exploration of these questions with special music and Sylvie Parris who will share her creatively poetic words.
Then … we will be invited to light a candle identifying a Truth Teller and signifying our commitment to doing the same & to being one, too.
Please bring along a Friend or two and join us for this special moment-in-time!
Central United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
233 North Church Street
Spartanburg, South Carolina 29306