Thursday, June 9, 2016

Meeting Our Neighbors, Again, for the First Time


A service devoted to the sights, sounds, tastes of our neighbors

Who are our ‘newest’ southern neighbors?  How will we find their country after so many years of separation?  What could we possibly have to share with one another?  They are so close and yet, still so far. 
Sometimes it is hard to imagine what Cuba and the Cubans could be like now.  It has been so many years.  And, despite the fast paced world we find ourselves negotiating, it is not the same world our neighbors have shared.
 Isabel Forbes – an artist, Lindsay Moore – a creative artist, Betsy Bragg – a retired teacher and Molly Wilkes – a retired United Methodist minister will all share their encounters on recent pilgrimages to Cuba. 
 Through words, photographs and paintings we will experience Cubans and their Cuba.  
In addition to these vignettes, our service will reflect the music and dance of the culture as well as the tastes associated with our neighbors – as we share a bit of a Fiesta … Refreshments and Fellowship immediately following the service.

We look forward to seeing you Sunday evening!

Central United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
233 North Church Street

Spartanburg, South Carolina 29306